
Audio Resources

Here is a selection of talks for you to enjoy. Feel free to either listen to these in site by pushing the play button, or click the download icon and listen at your leisure.

Advancing Christian Faith in New Zealand (Download)

Contextualising the Gospel in Our Own Hearts and Lives (Download)

From the Root to the Fruit - Where is the Love? (Download)

Goodness Gracious He's God (Download)

Growing Community (Download)

Growing In Worship (Download)

Has Science Buried God (Plus Q+A) (Download)

How Do We Apply Apologetics to Our Evangelism (Download)

How Do We Know the Bible is Truly the Word of God (Download)

If God, Why Evil? (Download)

Jesus the True Foundation (Download)

Knowledge Vs Faith (Download)

Living the Life (Download)

Meeting God in the Beautiful (Download)

Miracles (Download)

Reformation Before Revival (Download)

Student Life Believe Conference Session 1: Who Are We (Download)

Student Life Believe Conference Session 2: Where Are We (Download)

Student Life Believe Conference Session 3: What Are We (Download)

Student Life Believe Conference Session 4: Where Are We Going (Download)

The Apologetic Artist Session 1 - What is Art (Download)

The Apologetic Artist Session 2 - A Christian View of Culture (Download)

The Apologetic Artist Session 3 - Art in Praxis (Download)

The Gospel We Believe (Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing) (Download)

The Primacy of Preaching (Download)

Walking the Faith (Download)

When Life Imitates Art (Download)

Why I Am A Christian (Download)

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