Viewing articles from March, 2021
30 Mar 2021
Mark 12:23-34
The greatest commandment is love.
Notice that on both accounts the love to which we are commanded is an outward love, the love of other.
The world tells us that we must love ourselves; yes we are to love others but we must love ourselves before we are capable of loving others.
Self love is the way of the world, and the way of the world is opposed to God. The way of the world is the way of the flesh. The way of the flesh is opposed to God.
Self love is the way of the flesh and it must be rejected as such. It is to put the self first in all things. It is to be true to yourself and pursue your own happiness and self fulfilment. This is self love and self care.
In this way, self love and self loathing are the same. Both put the self foremost in the thoughts of the individual. Both are enamoured with the self, both are inwardly self focussed, and as such both are born of selfishness.
In his book The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness, Tim Keller rightly notes that the Gospel does not cause us to think less of ourselves, “oh filthy worm that I am” etc. Instead, it empowers us to think of ourselves less.
We need to shift our focus from the self and onto God. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. We need to replace the love of self with the love for God and let that love empower us to then in turn love our neighbours. To do so is to turn from the flesh.
25 Mar 2021
Mark 9:24. “I believe, help me in my unbelief” The cry of the heart of every disciple, I believe, but there’s a constant battle between my belief and my unbelief, between the flesh and the spirit.... continue reading...
17 Mar 2021
Mark 8:34-9:1. “Take up your cross” We must lose our lives in order to save them. Christ’s call to the disciple is to come and die. Take up your cross… so visual, so visceral.... continue reading...
16 Mar 2021
Mark 7:6-23. Left to his own devices, Man always attempts to worship God out of his own flesh, which always ends up as nothing other than self worship. In setting up doctrines of his own making, Man also creates the god to whom these doctrines are directed and supposed to appease.... continue reading...
10 Mar 2021
Mark 1:14-20. Jesus comes out of the wilderness experience and comes to Galilee preaching the Gospel with power and authority. He then calls His disciples. What has this to do with overcoming the flesh you might well ask? I did, however, I think it is important.... continue reading...
08 Mar 2021
In the Wilderness? Jesus is baptised not merely with water but also with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:10-11). Whatever Jesus relationship was with the Spirit prior to His baptism, this event marks a change in that relationship and a turning point in Messiah’s life and ministry.... continue reading...